Why I Chose to Mentor

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” –Proverb 31:25

Some of the best lessons learned in life are from true, raw, life experiences (good and bad).

You cannot put an academic mark or certification on these experiences as they are individually learned, perceived and processed. The greatness in this is that they are recycled by paying it forward to someone else with the lesson and that is so valuable. That is why mentoring is my choice of service to my private clients and the amazing companies I’ve had the privilege of working for as a Work Life Balance Specialist.

Is there really anything new to learn in this world? Everyone’s interpretation of a topic is their own which makes us all unique. Individual perception is exhilarating to see, but more intriguing to watch it unfold.

If you look at the definitions of both words, it’s quite interesting: Coach – definition is one who instructs or trains. A Mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person.

While I like both definitions, I can honestly say that mentoring is more fulfilling and more times than not, the person is not younger. It can be confusing for private clients and companies to decide it they want to hire a Coach or a Mentor. Each has its own benefits, the key lies in finding the correct path to employee/personal development.

Individuals and companies can often be disappointed if they do not do their own due diligence too really under the results they are looking to achieve and more times than not did the company choose the right model for the outcome they were looking for?

Mentoring in my opinion is about sharing in an environment of comfort where the imbalance is discovered through a conversational approach. Work Life Balance encompasses all aspects of one’s life whether it’s a private client or assisting a group of manager’s at a specific company.

Mentoring is looking ahead to the future and developing the “Map of Balance”. Its development occurs through a process of discovery and along the way skills are enhanced, relationships are improved and more importantly a model of quantity vs. quality is implemented through reflection and discovery.

Communication is the key and letting a co-worker or manager know that you are “burnt out” and need help is not an element of negativity. This will not show up on your next performance review, but demonstrate a reality of a time manager, diligent employee, who not only sees growth, but captures the imbalance before it becomes critical and has a ripple effect on the rest of the team.

Gaining new perspective can be a true ‘aha’ moment. Mentoring Work Life Balance allows an ending that is a beautiful thing to see – linguistic transformation.

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    Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.

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    Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.