As a Work|Life|Balance Specialist, my life is just as busy as most people. It’s a daily task to review my agenda and calendars and ensure that my upcoming events fit into my schedule.
There are moments, like you, where I look at my calendar online or view it on my iPhone and think really?
The key message here is that I usually end up sitting at my desk and laughing at myself because upon reflection I think to myself, am I a superhero?
One of the most important learned lessons is saying no. You cannot be everywhere and everything to everyone. You must book time for ‘you’. Seriously, schedule this time into your cell phone, online calendar or add it into a plain old-fashioned day-timer! Self-care is the #1 area that people do not allow enough time.
When you carve out these daily ‘me’ moments you are adhering to Mama Deb’s 12 Tips. If you have not reviewed or seen them before you can follow me on Twitter (@MamaDebCrowe) and you will receive my free e-book. This is a simple document to print off and it allows you to be mindful and make sure that you are not overloading yourself with someone else’s goals or agenda.
Scheduling and implementing time for yourself is not an easy feat and most people that I work with for Work|Life|Balance mentoring sessions seem to be laden with guilt because there are always other things to do or other people you don’t want to let down.
Work|Life|Balance is simply about you. It’s not a trend folks, it’s a lifestyle. Like any new habit, give yourself three weeks to get really good at scheduling time for you. This way you can do the things that you enjoy, that are good for your health and also allow your mind some quiet, free, space in this busy universe.
After providing medical case management for over 23 years, it’s a fact, that with unavoidable stress in our lives, most people will eventually face situations when they need assistance.
Most employers have an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) in place. EAP programs provide employees access to many services. If an EAP program is not implemented or utilized, the effects of stress can spiral out of control. This only leads to the beginning of short-term disability claims, then long-term disability claims. Let’s get ahead of the curve. Being pro-active, assessing and implementing support is the key to claims management. The best way to mitigate a claim is to have all your facts to ensure you are making a proper decision and more importantly putting in the right amount of support.
EAP programs give individuals the opportunity to seek help and learn the skills and strategies necessary to improve their Work | Life | Balance.
Typical EAP topics include:
EAPs are useful investments because they prevent turnover and reduce absences as they teach strategies for Work | Life | Balance. I’ve seen amazing results with mid to upper management as well as employees who were taught compensatory strategies for Work | Life | Balance. The outcomes are nothing but successful. Happy employer and employees. Retention of your employees increases (as well as productivity) and it’s a win-win on both sides of the equation.
Some employers truly demonstrate their company’s mission and values and demonstrate pure benevolence towards their staff.
If the master at the helm (that’s you) is happy and balanced, I can guarantee you that all the other elements of your life will fall into place and move like a well-oiled wheel!
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Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.
Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.