Strategically plan to balance

Living in a country as beautiful as Canada, I welcome and thoroughly enjoy having four seasons.

The change in seasons is always welcome. Spring brings renewal and growth and I am finding that many companies have and/or are shifting their strategic planning sessions to the pre-spring or spring months.  Many managers are using the analogy of ‘planting seeds’ to sow in their next fiscal year.

Many managers in the past year have asked their staff and/or department heads what they would like to learn.  I find this intriguing as an entrepreneur as it gives promise to the staff that what they are wanting to learn has real merit and is just as important to the overall process and planning of annual strategic planning.

When we are curious it allows our minds to take a different direction especially if it is a certain topic that we have real interest in.

For the past 17 months, many companies (small to large) has asked and listened to their staff and management team.  What is the #1 topic requested for strategic planning?


While I am truly pleased that it is being requested, the ‘term’ itself has been choked to death.

I tend to facilitate on #worklifebalance and ‘frame’ ever-so-popular topic around coping with stress resilience.  This breath of fresh air approach in speaking has been greatly welcomed from all levels of management.

For those of you who know me, you know how much I love words and writing.

When you look at the definition of strategic, here is what you will see:  of great importance within an integrated whole or to a planned effect (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Knowing that employers care about their staff and that #worklifebalance is not only being asked but implemented to corporate strategic planning makes me smile from ear to ear.

Employers are implementing the old cliché, Ask and ye shall receive. Interestingly enough, this expression came from the bible (Matthew 7:7). People either believe or not, but thoughts do become things…..Food for thought.


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