Every working person out there wants to be more productive and efficient, but at the same time, to be less stressed and healthier overall. Nevertheless, if this were so readily achievable, we wouldn’t be talking about it, right?
In today’s working environment, more and more people are telecommuting. In fact, roughly four million people in the United States are working from home, either as a full-time job or part-time. Though this alternative has its benefits, mainly concerning flexibility and work-life integration, stressors can and do exist even here.
With that said, here is a quick guide to help you de-stress both while working in an office or from home.
In a study conducted by the time-tracking and productivity app DeskTime, it was revealed that its top 10% most productive users follow somewhat of a similar routine. As it turns out, they spend 52 minutes in front of their computers, working, after which they take a 17-minute break.
Known as the Rule of 52 and 17, people using this technique were shown to be much more productive and useful because they were taking these frequent breaks. Like them, you can use that time to de-stress by taking a walk, having a non-work-related chat with colleagues, doing some yoga, meditation, or other light physical exercises; anything that will get you off of your seat and be moving around.
If you find your hands cramping up from too much typing, also consider doing this simple exercise. Lightly pinch the muscle between your thumb and index finger and massage it in a small circular motion. Squeeze it firm but gentle to relax the muscles. After a short while, you’ll begin to feel your hands, neck, and shoulders starting to relax, giving you the necessary boost to finish that report you were working on.
Working from home can be more rewarding in some aspects, but it can begin to feel like a prison if you are not careful. Waking up, going to your desk to work, and then going back to bed is not a healthy lifestyle by any measure.
To help you get out this particular rut, also use the above-mentioned 52-17 rule. Equally as important is to get yourself organized. It’s much easier to procrastinate if you are working from home. If you do not have a well-established routine and to-do list, you will see the day go by with little to no results to show for it. It also applies to your desk. Do not let things begin to clutter all around you.
Unlike a corporate office, you probably have the option of positioning your desk wherever you want inside your home. Take advantage of the natural light by angling your desk or working station towards a window. Research has shown that sunlight exposure has a multitude of health and mood benefits.
Last but not least, is to get yourself moving. We all know that physical activity, even if it’s in the form of a gentle stroll or stretching, can have a wide range of benefits when it comes to clinical depression. Take those 17-minute breaks to do some light exercises or chores around the house because they will do wonders for your mood. Also, get out of the house for lunch or other activities, whenever you can. Staying inside 24/7 is a fast track to depression.
With minor changes in your daily routine and with an emphasis on results instead of time, you will be able to balance both work and personal time healthily and productively. If you want to learn more, join us at the Women’s Self Care Conference on October 20, 2018. Don’t miss out on our early bird tickets!
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Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.
Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.