Is it time to balance your bucket list?

This week I reflected on how many conversations I’ve had with friends, colleagues and family on the topic of someday I want to do ______________.

The various answers to that question of ‘someday’ led me to realize that people are waiting for the bucket list of wishes and of course my inquisitive mind is WHY?

This week I am challenging you by asking you these questions:

1. Do you have a bucket list?

2. If no, why not create one?

3. If yes, what is checked off?

As I move along the highway of life and enjoy coaching individuals on #worklifebalance, there is still the elements of fear and waiting to do the unknown because of ___________.  Another sentence ending with a blank.


I am working with those individuals who have pondered that very question of why did they wait. Hindsight is always 20/20  and they now have a short-term (or for some long-term) disability claim because they had to get that last project done, meet those stringent deadlines, work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…until…their body fought back and shut them down.  Hypertension, stress overload, type II diabetes…heart problems…,your getting the picture here.

We all have one life to live. We’ve made lists of dreams, goals and aspirations.  If you have taken the time to make the list why not start doing what is on the list? #ponder

Today, I give you the opportunity to visit a great website It has over 350,000 members and bucket list goals exceeding 4.5 million! There are so many ideas and other posts from people from all over the globe! Warning: you will be inspired!

After you read this blog, take 5 minutes for you and ask yourself that burning question….what do I really want to do in this lifetime? Your list will come fast and furious and then starting checking them off – one a time.  Have a great week and do something ridiculously amazing….check.

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