Do you know the power in being physically fit and feeling at 51? I, myself, did not know what fitness feels like for a major chunk of my life. But after discovering how wonderful that kind of healthiness can feel, and the advantages it can offer, I’d like to help other women my age find the same power for and within themselves.
I believe there’s a tremendous opportunity for many consumer brands, in general to bring women my age a new kind of hope and delight. Here is how I came across that realization …
In May of this year – just a few short months ago — I underwent a terribly invasive surgery. That had certainly not been in my life plan! What I can say, however, is that my recovery was expeditious and gentle. The main reason why? My body by that time had become healthy and physically fit. What a difference fitness made for me!
As a “middle-aged” menopausal woman, I’m visually exhausted by always seeing young girls/women in marketing campaigns. As an entrepreneur, I get the ‘why”. But as a consumer, there is more to life than “likes” or “followers.”
Long before we became a technology-driven society, we (consumers) have longed for and have always been drawn to real human connections … through authenticity we could relate to. I believe I’m the right person to make that connection in encouraging older women like me to value and promote their own good health.
Being healthy, fit and 51 is powerful. But all too many women over 40 resign themselves to accepting or settling for their new “change of life” or menopausal, hormone-raging body as an inevitable decline … about which they are powerless to make a difference.
I propose that we, together, shift that paradigm! Every day in my own life, in my work as an international author and speaker and on my platforms on social media, I strive to inspire as many women as possible. I use videos, my radio show and blogging to demonstrate a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I’ve relaunched my website and welcome you to check it out!
I am not selling anything to my followers. What I am doing is inviting them to have front row seats in the comfort of their homes and to join me in being healthy, physically fit and full of vitality.
Every day I look in the mirror and make an affirmation to myself and to the image I see before me: “My name is Deb Crowe and I represent health, wellness and vitality.”
You see? That’s my vision for myself.
And now … despite the stretch marks on my body and those purple lines on my stomach … my self-affirmation reminds me daily of the gift that life gives to women. Like the extraordinary ability to carry a baby’s life within ourselves and then to give it birth. Twenty years later, after bearing my beloved children, I’ve donned a 4” vertical scar just below my belly button to remind me that I am now in phase two of my life. I’m proud to show my stomach as it reflects a life well-lived – even without washboard ab perfection or air-brushing to cover up those symbols on my body of the life I have beautifully experienced.
Let’s consider business in terms of demographics. Baby boomers have the money to buy products. Millennials will and do buy products (while also buying them for their mothers).
Women in their 20’s see me every day at the gym and tell me they wish that their moms would work out and be healthy, too. They also often that tell me that I make 51 look awesome. Mentorship at its best is simply being a good role model – which it seems that I’ve become for health and fitness now that I’m in my 50’s.
I have been an entrepreneur since 1990. My business as a professional motivational speaker, consultant and trainer has graced me with 27 years of working all over the world, within several different countries. I’ve discovered that I am a true connector of people.
My love for professional speaking on my particular expertise (work life balance) is a perfect match with my interest in health and fitness. After all, regular exercise is an element of self-care which (as you well know!) is lacking in many people’s lives. I’ve spoken at World Fit Expo (canfitpro) in Toronto, Canada as well as at many gyms and businesses on this very topic.
My background is medical case management with a focus in neurotrauma. This experience hit home for me personally in 2013 as my oldest daughter was in a car accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury.
My goal and passion today is to reach many, many more women over 40 … to inspire and empower them to get fit and make self-care a priority.
I started my fitness journey in October 2015 and vowed to be on a 7-month journey of tenacity, grit and hard work so I could be fit on my 50th Birthday (May 2016.) Successfully accomplished!
QUESTION: how might WE become partners in bringing health and fitness to many, many more women? I would welcome an opportunity to discuss this further as I feel the world needs this perspective — now more than ever.
If this blog resonates with you, let’s talk.
I look forward to hearing back from you,
Fit, Fab & 51,
Deborah (Deb) Crowe
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Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.
Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.