We all make mistakes in our lives. Whether it is in our personal life or professionally. We are human.
Everyone deserves a second chance, it’s like getting back up after something you have worked on has failed. FAIL simply stands for First Attempt In Learning.
Sometimes feeling ‘uneasy’ on the inside can be good. It’s your innate ability or as some like to call it their “gut feeling”.
Always feel encouraged and try to do the same to others whether it is family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, client or your neighbor.
Anything can be changed. This is a powerful sentence and so full of truth and potential. When you are stressed to the max and nothing is going right, it’s time to sit in quiet and reflect. Writing your goals makes you accountable. Giving them a date makes them achievable and all these strategies help you to make a decision to change and balance your stress resilience.
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Your light may be dim, but it’s there. Don’t be myopic. Lead with vision, intent and it will change. Patience is a virtue and not all elements of your life will change in an instant. The knowing that you are trying and your resilience to want and have the change is the feeling you must feel and keep in your mind and your heart.
The familiar phrase “Don’t give up” is a lesson for us all to remember daily and practice. Boldness gets rewarded. What if I…..? Don’t live your life wanting to reflect back on that question. Live that question and feel and enjoy the fruits of your labour!
Balancing the stress in your life with resilience means to work smarter, not harder. Being bold with intent and the rewards will come. Instead of focusing your energy and schedule on time management, spend it on clarity and become a master of resilience.
“The best outcome in life is achieved through a lesson”. -Mama Deb
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Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.
Connection with people is the key to happiness and success, as it allows us to look inward and feel valued , heard and validated.
Snasdxxxax says:
steeday says:
cialis and priligy 2008; Hutchinson et al